Some tips on how to balance the role at home and at work.
Learn five different fathering styles.
Fathers’ involvement in the early stages assures a healthy and steady progress of the children.
Celebrating the Father's Day, we revisit the father's role in the family.
Understanding the four preferences and how they react to stress.
Knowing what caused your stress.
How to moderate stress to become your biggest motivator.
Why stress occurred? Tracing back stress to our ancestor's history.
Does stress really caused by modern lifestyle? How about people in the past?
Understanding stress, and how to keep our performance high even under stress.
Have you ever tried to select a gift for someone according to his/her life orientation?
Valentine's Day is the best occasion to effectuate the emotional side of your employees.
How to keep the employee engaged even in remote working situation.
Various studies shows how employment engagement affects productivity.
Companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits if workers have the sense of belonging.
10 actions that every manager should take to ace the three qualities of employee engagement.
How we know our employees really engaged, how we define engagement, and what are the factors that affect it.
How to utilize Valentine’s Day to promote employee engagement.
Learning from industries around the world for how talent management goes agile.
One most important mindset to survive and compete in VUCA world.
Learn about change from Kubler-Ross Model, also known as the 5 stages of grief.
Five main sectors talent management can focus on for managers to respond quickly to any disruptive events that may occur.
What is VUCA, and the role of talent management in the VUCA world.
Understanding "change", and the role of talent management to overcome the world of VUCA.
Two tools that help the employees realize their nature and strengths to build their development.
11 ways to build you employees' strength.
Questions to ask yourself as a leader, and to those who you lead.
How leaders should deliberately assist their employees to regularly practice their skills and manifest their strengths.
How strengths-based interventions can enhances individual well-being through development of hope.
How strength-based approach gives company an added edge as it pursues innovation and best practices.
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