Enhance Team Loyalty by Creating a Sense of Belonging
According to Harvard Business Review, 40% of American employees feel isolated in the workplace. They lack a sense of belonging, and this leads to negative effects on employee engagement and, productivity. Humans are social creatures, they tend to bond with others naturally.1 Feeling isolated can resemble the same effect of physical pain.2
Belonging is actually beneficial to businesses not only employees. If workers feel like they belong, companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits. High belonging was linked to a whopping 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days. Employees who feel belong to their organization are 167% more likely to promote their companies to others.
So how can we increase employee sense of belonging?
- Seize the small opportunities to connect: Try to establish connections with your colleagues that communicate that you value, understand, and care about them. Be present, curious, and seize small daily opportunities to connect authentically.
- Listen to perspectives: If someone shares something that you don’t understand or agree with, you might consider acknowledging their point of view or asking them to tell you more.
- Assume positive intent: when you assume good intent in people talking to you, this will give you space to pause, think, and ask clarifying questions and connect in a more meaningful way.
- Show some vulnerability: be honest, open, and frank. Accept feedback and ask for it even from younger colleagues. Show them that you trust them.
- Create social bonds: seize the opportunities like Christmas or valentine's day to host meaningful gatherings where people can share a fun time.
1Evan W. Carr, Andrew Reece, Gabriella Rosen Kellerman, and Alexi Robichaux 2019, Harvard Business review, accessed Feb 2, 2021,
2Karyn Twaronite 2019, Harvard Business Review, accessed Feb 2, 2021,
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