Discover your personal strengths with LIFO workshops
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LIFO Workshops

Course Examples

LIFO has designed a variety of applications to bring added value to both organizations and individuals. Most of these can be learned and practiced in a workshop format, some of which are half-day, while others can go for up to three days. We have various topics to serve the general needs of most organizations, and have created Subject Specific LIFO workshops to target areas of special interest to our wide range of clients in different industries and sectors around the world.

Here are some examples:

Building on and utilizing strengths

LIFO will help you discover your personal strengths and personal behavioral styles. This workshop begins by identifying your basic orientation to life and work, allowing you to see how to more effectively operate in good as well as in adverse situations. It offers powerful learning strategies for greater personal productivity, increased influence with key people and more effective behavior.

Program Outcomes:

  • Discovery of how to release strengths, while increasing effectiveness, impact.
  • Ability to tap into and efficiently capitalize on strengths.
  • Awareness of which strengths can turn into weaknesses and how to prevent it.
  • Understanding of why others see things differently and the ability to adopt their perspectives.

Increased Productivity

Participants will learn how to break through their productivity barriers. This workshop shows participants what stops them from maximizing their performance or improving their efficiency, and draws their attentions towards how recognizing their behavioral styles in different situations can improve everything. They will learn how to shift towards the “Just enough” productive zone that leads to better performance and great results.

Program Outcomes:

  • Identification of individual, team and organizational productivity barriers and ways to break them.
  • More action and less wasted time due to better methods for setting priorities while still focusing on how to get things done better.
  • Increased enthusiasm and shared goals.

Successful Communication

Life Orientation is a proven method for building and managing relationships. It does this by providing special tools and powerful communication strategies to transform key relationships. By taking this workshop, participants will become better at recognizing their listeners’ communication preference and match it so that they can have the best impact and influence possible.

Program Outcomes:

  • Ability to identify easily the communication styles of others.
  • Mastery of the keys to effective communication and how to gets through to anyone.
  • Improved communication with people who are different by matching approaches to their most preferred communication strategy.
  • Ability to answer the key questions uppermost in the minds of others by through deeper listening.

Effective Leadership

This workshop allows you to discover and express your unique strengths and personal leadership styles through the use of two powerful diagnostic tools. The first, the Life Orientation Leadership styles survey identifies your leadership styles and strengths in favorable and adverse situations. The second, the Life Orientation Leadership Another Person survey shows you how you are perceived as a leader by others (team members, subordinates, colleagues, direct reports, etc.) in your organization. This workshop will improve your leadership capacity as well as teach you how to create a more positive environment for communication, growth and change in your organization.

Program Outcomes:

  • Deeper understanding of your leadership styles and how to keep improving.
  • Knowledge of how others experience you and your impact as a leader.
  • Awareness and practice with 4 distinct ways to lead, as well as when, how and with whom to use them.
  • Ability to create an open and positive environment for communication, growth and change in your organization.

Negotiating and Selling

Whether selling a service, product or a solution, we are all in the business of selling. Many say that the key to negotiating and selling is to know how to meet the customers’ needs and expectations. Although that is true, using LIFO® to modify your communication and presentation style to one that works best with the customer is the quickest way to closing the sale and getting the best deal. Using our patented system you will learn four basic strategies to deal with everyone, despite their diverse problems and situations. Each of these four perspective results in a different approach that will make you more effective at buying, selling and negotiating.

Program Outcomes:

  • A more polished and refined personal selling style that will get you better results and increased performance.
  • Ability to apply the LIFO® method to inspire and influence other people.
  • Increased sales through knowing how and when to shift channels when dealing with different customers.

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