LIFO® | Survey Series, Reports, and Available Language
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LIFO Survey Series, Reports,
& Available Language

Survey Series and Reports

There are no right or wrong answers with Life Orientations assessment tools, as they are not tests. The results participants receive help them identify their preferred behavioral styles in both good and adverse situations.

Life Orientations Survey Series

LIFO has subject-specific surveys with various topics because one’s behavioral preferences may change depending on which environment or role they find themselves to be in, including:

  • Life Orientations Survey (LIFO Survey)
  • Life Orientations Essential Survey
  • Life Orientations Another Person Survey
  • Life Orientations Essential Another Person Survey
  • LIFO Time Management Styles Survey
  • LIFO Negotiation Styles Survey

Sales-Related Series

  • Selling Styles Essential Survey
  • Selling Styles Survey
  • LIFO Customer Styles Survey

Education and Learning Series

  • Learning Styles Essential Survey
  • Learning Styles Survey
  • Coaching Styles Essential Survey
  • Coaching Styles Survey
  • Teaching Styles Essential Survey
  • Teaching Styles Survey

Organizations and Teams Series

  • Organizational Culture Survey
  • LIFO Team Styles Survey
  • LIFO Change Style Survey
  • Leadership Package
  • Leadership Styles Essential Another Person Survey
  • Leadership Styles Essential Survey

Partners & Families Series

  • Partner Styles Survey
  • Partner Styles Another Person Survey
  • Child Styles Survey
  • Parenting Styles Another Person Survey
  • Parenting Styles Survey

The Life Orientations Another Person Survey series is a multi-source survey of choice when a number of perspectives on a particular person are wanted. Similar to a 360-feedback approach, this survey will show how one is perceived by other survey takers, such as team members, colleagues, or direct reports, those who may have different perspectives on the subject’s behavioral styles.

  • Life Orientations AP Survey – Another Person
  • Leadership AP Styles – Another Person

To maximize organizational potential and improve business operations, it is essential to work on organizational behavior. The Life Orientations Organizational Culture Survey is an organizational survey that measures organizational behavior preferences.

  • Life Orientations Organizational Culture Survey

LIFO Reports

The LIFO report gives you specific feedback that can be used for personal and professional development.

  • LIFO Full Report
  • LIFO Highlight Report
  • LIFO Summary Report
  • LIFO Summary Plus Report
  • LIFO Summary Plus (Subject Specific) Report with mini exercises
  • LIFO Results Report

To confirm what is available in your language, please contact us.

Global Use and Language

More than 9,000,000 people from over 20,000 organizations have benefited from using the LIFO method. The Life Orientation Survey has been translated into 24 languages and is available in 66 countries and territories.

  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • English (Simple)
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Malay
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish (Castilian)
  • Spanish (LATAM)
  • Swedish
  • Thai
  • Vietnamese

Contact us to find out which surveys, reports and materials are available in your language.

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