LIFO® | Virtual Blended Certification
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Life Orientations®
Virtual Blended Certification


Life Orientations (LIFO)® Training is an applied behavioral science system. It is a synthesis of self-actualization theory, client-centered counseling, psychoanalysis and group dynamics.

With LIFO, you can expand your business opportunities by offering Strengths-Based developmental experience to your clients while using the latest available digital tools in the market.

What’s in it for You?

  • Provides a conceptual map and master training technology for trainers and consultants that helps improve communication skills and productivity at all levels of an organization.
  • Trainers and consultants are provided with high-impact, low-cost train­ing materials that appeal to partici­pants and reinforce learning.
  • Learn how to deliver a highly engaging and interactive virtual workshop using the latest available learning and Development digital tools in the market.
  • Receive constant support from LIFO Global Team on marketing and selling your services

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track


1. Self-Paced Online Course via UMU LMS Platform

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

2. Digital Workbooks and Materials

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

3. LIFO® Strengths eFeedback Chart

Strengths eFeedback Chart is a LIFO-Based digital tool that creates a positive environment for discussion. LIFO version of feedback is centered on the strengths you see in yourself and reinforced by how others view your strengths in relationship to them; includes observed strengths and strengths to use more and less of.

LIFO Strengths eFeedback Chart provides a visual reference for confirmation, as well as a way for groups to appreciate and acknowledge the differences in one another. A tool for helping people to understand how to work more effectively on their own, or with teams.

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track


MURAL is a digital workspace for visual collaboration. MURAL helps everyone on the team imagine together to unlock new ideas, solve hard problems, and innovate faster. Visual collaboration has emerged as a new way of working among distributed teams because it levels the playing field and ensures everyone’s voice is heard.

We prepare a complete set of LIFO based MURAL templates that are provided to you with a facilitation guide to help you deliver the best experience to your clients.

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track


Check for upcoming certification or contact us to learn more.

Life Orientations®





  • 为培训师和咨询师提供概念图和主培训技术,帮助提高组织各级的沟通技能和生产力。
  • 为培训师和顾问提供影响大、成本低的培训材料,以吸引参与者并加强学习。
  • 学习如何使用市场上最新的学习和发展数字工具来提供一个高度参与和互动的虚拟研讨会。
  • 获得LIFO全球团队在营销和销售服务方面的持续支持。

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track


1. 通过UMU LMS平台的自定进度在线课程

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

2. 数字化作业本和材料

LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track

3. LIFO®优势电子反馈表



LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track




LIFO Virtual Blended Certification track



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