LIFO® | How to be Certified
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Become a LIFO® Practitioner


Becoming a LIFO licensed practitioner is simple and will improve the quality of the services you’re delivering to your clients. It will also bring an added value, by giving you powerful tools and insightful ways of assessing and supporting your clients.

As a licensed LIFO practitioner, you will be able to conduct LIFO seminars, consult using the LIFO methodology, purchase LIFO materials, slides and tools for use with clients.
Finally, the act of becoming a LIFO licensed practitioner requires you to embody the LIFO Method, naturally making you into a more versatile practitioner and trainer. The more one personally practices the LIFO developmental strategies, the more they enrich their lives and become even more successful at helping learners of all style preferences best utilize their strengths and integrating their LIFO experiences.

There are several ways to become a LIFO® licensed practitioner:

1. LIFO® Certification – Self Guided Study

The LIFO Guided Study Certification is an option for people with busy schedules who do best with a self-paced program. In this certification process, participants complete the program with coaching from a Master trainer and an individual study pace that meets their timeline and scheduling needs.


  1. Do LIFO online survey
  2. Coaching session 1
  3. Reading assignment & written exercise 1
  4. Coaching session 2
  5. Reading assignment & written exercise 2
  6. Coaching session final

Program Details

  • Done at the participant’s pace, the content can be completed in around 17-20 hours in total, with about 4hrs 30mis of the total reserved for coaching with a Master trainer
  • Group sessions for students in organizations can be arranged upon request

2. Local or Regional Public Certification Workshop Deliveries

The LIFO Method is a means for understanding and working better with others. It helps people discover their strengths and how much/to what degree they use the four different behavioral styles basic to human interaction.

Attending a local/regional workshop is not only a great way to acquire this knowledge but also a great opportunity to network with peers. These regional deliveries are also one of the best ways to get certified, as well as connect with and learn directly from our experienced Master Trainers. These activities involve case study analysis, educational games and interactive exercises to enhance learning and deepen understanding. In this way participants acquire the necessary knowledge and practical experiences to deliver the LIFO Method, along with its programs competently to their organizations.

Workshop Outcomes:

  • Professional knowledge of the definitions and characteristics of the four behavioral orientations
  • Knowledge and ability to set up, administer, interpret and give feedback on profile results, regardless of role
  • A firm grasp of the six core LIFO strategies
  • Tactics to coach individuals in building development plans, based on their unique blend of behavioral styles
  • A comprehensive understanding of the history, science and psychology behind LIFO

3. Internal Certification Workshops for Organizations

As an internal coach or trainer your goal in a team is to maximize strengths, minimize “weaknesses” (for in LIFO weaknesses are really over/under-use of strengths) and uncovering blind spots to strengthen communication and productivity. By using the LIFO strategies and showing how they can be applied in a team setting and different situations back at the workplace, you will be able to achieve the above more easily and with less time.

The LIFO Method, with its wide variety of applications and proven track record with employee productivity, should be one of the key elements in your corporate training’s library and a part of your portfolio. Incorporating the LIFO Method into your corporate culture is simple and quite cost effective. Our global business partners are available to help you in customizing and personalizing the program to fit into your organization’s specific agendas.

4. Virtual Blended Certification

Hybrid workplaces, hybrid work styles are here to stay. The huge change because of the pandemic accelerated the shift for many industries and businesses to adopt the new working style where team members have the freedom of choosing to work from home or the office. Consequently, learning and Development practitioners, coaches, trainers, and consultants need to adapt their delivery style.

Our experience shows that the Virtual Blended Delivery (Self-Paced + Virtual Instructor-Led) provides the best learning outcomes and ensures the highest engagement levels for the prospect LIFO practitioners through the usage of interactive tools like online whiteboards, digital materials, and Strengths Development E-Feedback charts. The prospect LIFO practitioners hit two birds with one stone as while they are getting certified, they also learn how to facilitate an engaging and interactive online workshop using LIFO's digital tools.


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