Three Fundamental Qualities of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement became one of the major buzzwords in recent years, especially during the Covid and post-covid world. The tough times we are all surrounded with requires leaders and organizations to put extra effort to create happiness at work, and increase employee morale. Part of an organization's strength is how it takes advantage of any given situation to boost employee engagement. Although everyone is talking about employee engagement and its importance, only a few of them know how to cultivate employee engagement within their organizations. Employee engagement is not a skill that they can learn through training, and not an occasional bond that we will create through an outdoor activity or team-building trip.
Employees are engaged is not about the pleasure of the current moment. It is more of a timeline that focuses on the past, the present, and the future of the employee and the company. The more employee’s timeline is connected to company’s timeline the more engaged the workforce is. This time line looks at the past actions that the employee did, how appreciated those actions were? And how those actions affected the overall success of the company. It also looks at the present moment. Am I as an employee receiving adequate development? Is the company investing in me at the current moment? And the third access about the future. Is my future and company future tied together?
To answer those questions we prepared 10 actions that every manager should take to ace the three qualities of employee engagement.
Future Outlook
Future outlook is usually associated with the C-suite level of management. However, if you are not one of them your role is to cascade and communicate this future outlook to subordinates.
- Communicate your vision
- Share company and team goals
- Track progress and provide status updates throughout the year
- Use one-on-ones to discuss how employees fit into the big picture
Feeling Valued
Appreciation is directly related to employee engagement, productivity, and morale.
- Conduct employee surveys
- Recognize results and efforts
- Grant employees autonomy and flexibility
Career Growth and Development
- Provide training or mentoring opportunities
- Promote top performers
- Offer tuition reimbursement
For more about this topic, download our latest book "Engage Your Employees in Valentine's Day" for FREE: