Phone: 3487103419
Service Region: Italy
Company: Methodos
Language: Italian, English
Delivery Approach: Face-to-face (on-site) & Online
Expertise: IT, Automotive, Venture Capital.
Mauro Cuomo was born in La Spezia in 1953. Graduated in computer science, married, three children. Executive Coach and Trainer with over 30 years of international experience in Management and Leadership in highly innovative contexts.
He began his career at Olivetti ATC (Cupertino - CA), and then moved to Apple Computer, where he held various management roles between California and Italy.
Having definitively left Apple, he is co-founder of TAM Software, where as commercial director and head of the sales channel, he significantly contributes to the success of the "AdHoc" management software line, still the market leader in Italy.
After the sale of the SW house to Zucchetti, he founded Anabasi Consulting and since then has supported companies and individuals who want to successfully face the new global scenario of continuous change.
A few years ago he began to actively deal with Lean Startups and Agile transformations.
Mauro who lives, thinks and sometimes works in Lunigiana, in a renovated stone barn, where he lives with his wife Alison, has never stopped studying because he is convinced that when you have nothing more to learn you are practically dead!
Lately he had the urge to write starting from a unique experience: a trip with Steve Jobs, alone, just fired from the Macintosh division in June 1985.