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Jocelyn Rebbens

Jocelyn Rebbens


Service Region: Netherlands

Company: ReBBels
Website: |

Language: Dutch

Delivery Approach: Face-to-face (on-site) & Online

Expertise: Psychologist, training, coaching, lecturing (self-employed).

Jocelyn Rebbens ((1972) studied Economic Psychology at Tilburg University. She is passionate and experienced in connecting people, ambitions and brands! In order to get the best out of them and the organizations and teams they work for. She encourages them to shine with their qualities, talents and personalities. Because of her work experience in Marketing Communications and in Management Development, she is able to design and deliver customized training programs that make a difference.

Jocelyn is founder of ReBBels [branding ambition!] and she offers consultancy, (online) training, coaching and keynotes/lectures in the field of Positive Psychology & Resilience, Personal Branding and Inspirational Leadership. Her clients and participants work in profit and non-profit organisations;in a variety of industries.

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