Inês Medeiros
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Inês Medeiros

Inês Medeiros

Phone: +5511971782637

Service Region: Brasil, Américas, Portugal

Company: Values Move

Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish

Delivery Approach: Face-to-face (on-site) & Online

Expertise: Psychologist with Specialization in Positive Psychology, Science of Well-being and Self-realization| Facilitator of Systemic Transformation | Evolutionary Coach | Learning Ecosystems Cocreator

In the last 20 years, I have worked as a psychologist, media executive, human development consultant and executive coach in Portugal, Brazil and Américas. As a cultural transformation agent supporting Brazilian and multinational companies, I led and participated in change management and leadership development projects. With the vision of contributing for expanding and integral positive evolution globally, act as LIFO Pratitioner and evolutionary coach supporting people in their journey awareness of inner development based on strengths and values.


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