Ian Gourlay
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Ian Gourlay

United Kingdom
Ian Gourlay

Mail: iangourlay@initiatenetwork.com
Phone: +44 7973 409750

Service Region: United Kingdom

Company: Initiate Business Development Ltd. | Actif4 Ltd.
Website: www.initiatenetwork.com | www.actif4.com

Language: English

Delivery Approach: Face-to-face (on-site) & Online

Expertise: Change and Leadership.

My enduring interest is in the capacity of people to make things happen. I've been consulting around change and coaching since 2001 across 12 countries from West Africa to Australia, in multiple market sectors through my two businesses, Initiate and Actif4 (alongside James Crawford). My measure of success is that the client is successful, rating my input as being of value to them. The fact that so many extend their original engagements suggests that it works. Key to all of this - be curious about each client and their success, treat them as the unique people that they are and really commit to being there for them.

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