Angelo Larocca
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Angelo Larocca

Angelo Larocca


Service Region: Italy

Company: Digital Attitude Srl

Language: Italian

Delivery Approach: Face-to-face (on-site)

Psychologist by training, behavioral designer by chance, geek by heart.

When I was three, I continually bothered my dad asking him to read all the billboards along the road... And my curiosity hasn’t shrunk a bit ever since: comic books, tv series, music, movies, and books of every genre are on my daily menu.

I strongly believe in the power of learning, and discovering new, amazing things is my main drive. That's one of the main reasons why I decided to study psychology: which mystery is bigger and more obscure than the intricacies of our minds? I fell in love with brains the moment I discovered they existed, and I can still remember the excitement when I learned how to properly say "circonvoluzione". That was the moment I said to myself (and to everyone else, honestly), "I'm gonna be the one that studies that pinky, mushy thing!"

Up until graduating, I never would have thought to end up working in an organization. I could only see myself with a white coat, in a hospital ward, helping people day in, day out. Then, life happened, and I somehow stumbled into Digital Attitude. I had discovered a new passion to add to the fold: behavioral design.

A few years later, I'm Head of Behavioral Design (a fancy term to say I'm lucky enough to work with some of the coolest people in the area of behavioral change). We study and design how to create, maintain, and reinforce new habits linked to how people in organizations use technology. Together, we dream of changing the world, one nudge at a time.

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