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The GPS Approach - Part 1: Goal Phase

Thursday, October 14, 2021
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

The GPS Approach - Part 1: Goal Phase

The GPS Approach
The GPS approach is a three-step methodology used to enhance and fix organizational cultures:

LIFO GPS Approach

Goal Phase: Just as the name GPS suggests, you need to start by knowing where you are first whenever you need to go somewhere. Then you need to find the best route that would lead you from where you are to where you want to be

Path Phase: Based on the above data, each organization will formulate its path. During this phase, you will need to develop steps to ensure your organization reaches from current to ideal state.

System Phase: It is the phase where you create systems that help you sustain and maintain the Ideal culture, so it’s not just a mere state that you reach. It is an ongoing process that needs monitoring and maintenance.

We will dig deeper into all of 3 steps. This time, we will cover the first step (second and last step will be covered in the next blog).

Goal Phase

Just as the name GPS suggests, you need to start by knowing where you are first whenever you need to go somewhere. Then you need to find the best route that would lead you from where you are to where you want to be. Goal Phase allows you to assess where you are now and where you want to be ideally.

A powerful tool that could help you with the Goal Phase is LIFO Organizational Culture Survey. The LIFO organizational culture survey provides an opportunity for you to describe the organization's strengths and styles when things are going well and during times of stress or conflict. The Cultural Survey helps you identify your current organization:

  • Cultural strengths
  • Potential cultural excesses. Cultural excesses are favorable behaviors carried to excess. For example, a focus on Excellence, if taken to excess, might lead to perfectionism.
  • Potential cultural blind spots represent faults or weaknesses within the culture that might go unnoticed. For example, a focus on logic might lead to a lack of creativity or prevention of risk.

Moreover, LIFO Cultural Survey helps you look at your current organizational culture during unfavorable times when the organization is under stress.

Following the LIFO Current Cultural Organizational Survey is the LIFO Ideal Organizational Cultural Survey. This survey shows you your ideal organization in terms of LIFO's behavioral styles. In light of the LIFO current survey and LIFO's Ideal survey, you can now formulate your path that will take you from where you are to where you want to be. Now, management can make cultural decisions based on concrete and tangible data.


For more about this topic, download our latest book "An Adventurous Tale of Culture and Diversity" for FREE:

E-Book: An Adventurous Tale of Culture and Diversity

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