Team Building: Delving into the Concept
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Team Building: Delving into the Concept

Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Team Building: Delving into the Concept

Headspace, a meditation app that was first released in 2012, initially made over $30 million in revenue and has 40,000 customers as of 2017.

In 2020, the app reached more than 2 million users, and its worth reached $320 million. How's that for development?

But, when a firm grows that quickly, it raises the question of whether it will survive, if not thrive, in its newfound success. Or will it fall apart?

Perhaps your organization sees similar expansion, and your employees are experiencing growing pains. Perhaps your company is brand new, and you're focusing on efficiently establishing a solid team for the first time. Hence, the need for building a team remains one of the main essentials within today's organizations. 1

Team Building: Delving into the Concept

The process of transforming a collection of individuals into a cohesive team—a group of people structured to work together to meet the requirements of their customers by achieving their purpose and goals—is known as team building.

Team building strengthens relationships between members of a group. Individual members accept one another's individuality while yet sharing common aims and expectations.

Team building can refer to employees' daily interactions to complete job requirements when working together. This is a natural process that can be assisted if the group takes the time to construct a set of ground rules. The interactions of group members within the team and with the rest of the organization are guided by these rules. Well-designed activities for the team can be a good template to guide the team to increase their camaraderie. Managers can also contract out for facilitation using an external professional if they have the proper budget and goals. External facilitation by a skilled individual can help your team build. 2

The definition above sounds pretty easy and straightforward. However, it's almost a paradox. If bringing a bunch of individuals together to work is that easy, why do we need a structured process to govern it? Because, in reality, the process of team building is not easy. A number of different individuals with different backgrounds and motives might lead to conflict, difficulty in measuring performance, and uncooperative team members, let alone the cost involved in building teams.

Team Building: What Makes It Special?

If you have a team that works together to reach your goals, you can achieve them. A team that understands its objectives and how to achieve them can assist you in reaching your objectives. Putting together a great team necessitates a wide range of abilities and mental fortitude. Yet, the benefits are tremendous and worth the effort.

Directs efforts towards the Vision and Mission: Team building activities explain the role and value of the team in helping the organization achieve its vision and mission. Individuals understand the organization's goals, objectives, mission, and vision, which inspires them to contribute.

Enhances Communication and Collaboration: Team building activities improve team members' interpersonal relationships. It makes people feel at ease and familiar with one another. Collaboration fosters team members' trust and understanding.

Establishes Roles and Responsibilities: Each team member's position is defined and clarified. Furthermore, each individuals were are given individual  responsibilities as well as the incentive to work as a team.

Widening Problem Solving Perspectives: Individuals in a team are motivated to share their perspectives, thoughts, and solutions to a specific problem. It encourages them to think creatively and brainstorm.

Builds Trust and Morale: By engaging in team-building events, the company shows its employees that they are appreciated. It motivates people to improve their abilities and establish strong interpersonal relationships, boosting team morale and trust.

It enhances the corporate culture: When teams work together, they are more likely to communicate and collaborate. This boosts their productivity and efficiency, eliminates disagreements and misunderstandings, and encourages individuals to be more accepting of one another. As a result, a positive and stimulating workplace culture develops.

It boosts productivity: Allowing teams to share the task is how this approach works. This allows them to complete the project more quickly, which benefits everyone involved. Teamwork is essential for reasons other than individual productivity. It also aids enterprises in generating more income by assisting them in achieving their objectives.

Reaping such benefits is in line with the amount of effort you put in and how intact your process is.


1Hubpost, 17 Sep 2021, Caroline Forsey, How to Build and Scale a High-Performance Marketing Team According to Leaders Who've Done It, Accessed 20 Apr 2022,
2Careers, 1 Mar 2021,Susan Heathfield, What Is Team Building?, Accessed 20 Apr 2022,


For more about this topic, download our latest book "Team Building: Different Individuals One Unit" for FREE:

E-Book:Team Building: Different Individuals One Unit

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