Self-awareness as a Predictor of Success
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Self-awareness as a Predictor of Success

Thursday, July 2, 2020
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Self-awareness as a Predictor of Success

In a study undertaken by Green Peak Partners and Cornell University, 72 executives at public and private companies were studied. They all had revenues from $50 million to $5 billion, and it was found that “a high self-awareness score was the strongest predictor of overall success.1

Self-awareness—in this study—was the strongest predictor of overall success.

1. High Self Awareness leads to better team performance

Self-awareness clearly increases performance. Self-awareness dramatically affects how your team collaborates, communicates, and performs. Self-aware teams are more self-resilient, self-confident and more adaptive — they share a common purpose.

Erich C. Dierdorff and Robert S. Rubin, professors in College of Business at DePaul University, has more than one research about self-awareness and its impact on teams. One research (2018) supported that those who exhibit high levels of self-awareness (high self-other agreement) are more likely to be effective in the workplace and also proved the effects of aggregate levels of self-awareness on team-level functioning and performance.2 The other research (2015) of these researches revealed that teams with less self-aware individuals made worse decisions, engaged in less coordination, and showed less conflict management.3

Probability of success based on team's self-awareness level
Probability of success based on team's self-awareness level 4

2. High Self Awareness leads to better leadership skills

According to the research by The Potential Project, self-awareness has a more positive impact on leadership than an MBA. The study evaluated more than 1,000 leaders in more than 800 companies across the world. The findings show that self-awareness encourages us to lead ourselves with authenticity and integrity — and in turn better lead others.5

3. High Self Awareness leads to better manpower

The more employees become aware of their mindsets and behaviors, the more they can have high self-awareness allows people to know their strengths and weaknesses, values, and motives. People with high self-awareness can accurately measure their own moods, feelings and understand how their moods affect others; are open to feedback from others on how to continuously improve; and are able to make sound decisions despite uncertainties and pressures. And it was found that the more managers possess self-awareness competencies, the more likely that the organization will achieve net profit and return on investment.6

6Atuma Okpara & Agwu M. Edwin: SELF AWARENESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN THE NIGERIAN BANKING SECTOR. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Science, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2015.


For more about this topic, download our latest book "Towards a Self-aware Organization" for FREE:

E-Book: Towards a Self-aware Organization

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