Adopting Strengths Management System for Talent Acquisition and Retention
Life Orientations (LIFO)® provide a robust talent acquisition system to hire and select the best talents:1

1. Current Gaps
Ask and search for the answer to this question: What's wrong with the way we are selecting talents now. Maybe nothing, but:
A. Do you think/consider in the terms of "good guy-bad guy"?
It may cost you. Think more about what needs to be done.
B. Do the people you select look like carbon copies of you? Is there a "corporate stamp"?
The cost may be realized in terms of incompatibility and stress.
C. Are you or your organization criticized for particular vulnerabilities or decision-biases?
Gaps - Cost may be high in terms of failure to meet organizational requirements and loss of reputation.
2. Maximizing
Is a way of looking at people that broadens your understanding of how they apply their talents for productive or ineffective ends.
- Everyone has some productive strengths and talents (you've probably hired people because you were impressed by them).
- Every person's talents can be counter-productive when:
- Overdone
- Self-seeking
- Under stress
- Everyone functions most poorly when you use his least preferred strength / or you try to make the most desired behavior his least used one.
- Every team is bound to have some gaps.
- Manage the strengths: Orchestrate the team to harness the power and cover the gaps.
3. Matching
A concept of matching your employees - don't select them:
- To the Job
- What strengths are used most?
- Rare to find an all-purpose man.
- Decide on major strength requirements.
- To the Group - Augmenting and Complementing
- Group needs - any blind spots?
- Team compatibility
- Conflict - cooperation balance
4. Monitoring
Watching for and monitoring the functioning - Signs of distress that may mean trouble:
- Too many excesses
- Strength shifts
- Abandonment of strengths
- Opposition style out front too much
Hence, it would help if you did something about it:
1LIFO Strength Management, A new system for personal and organizational growth-the selection-process, Allan catcher International, Inc, Copyright 1978
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