The Four Orientations to Life
It is essential to understand our own and other's preference/orientation. They are the center of things, and they contain the basic game plan upon which we operate.
And if we are to understand better how these plans interplay within ourselves and between us and other people, we need to highlight them with their goals and strengths THE FOUR ORIENTATIONS TO LIFE
The Supporting-Giving Orientation
・Game Plan
"If I prove my worth by working hard and seeking excellence, the good things of life will come to me."
Do What Is Right, Be Helpful
Principled, Cooperative, Dedicated, Loyal
The Controlling-Taking Orientation
・Game Plan
"If I get results by being competent and seizing opportunities, the good things in life will be there for the taking."
Be in Charge, Get Results
Persistent, Initiating, Urgent, Directing
The Conserving-Holding Orientation
・Game Plan
"If I think before I act and make the most of what I’ve got, I can build up my supply of the good things in life."
Be Reasonable, Make Sure
Systematic, Analytical, Maintaining, Tenacious
The Adapting-Dealing Orientation
・Game Plan
"If I please other people and fill their needs first, then I can get the good things in life that I’ve wanted all along."
Know People, Get Along
Tactful, Flexible, Aware, Sociable
It is essential to understand each orientation, no matter what our preferences may be. This knowledge will help us communicate more effectively with critical people in our lives who may be different.
Knowledge of orientations and their strengths will allow us to understand better what motivates us, what makes us experience stress, and enable us to capitalize on our strengths.
For more about this topic, download our latest book "Empathy: The Essential Workplace Ingredient" for FREE: