2020 LIFO® Online Global Business Meeting | Jun 10-11
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Event date: 6/10/2020 - 6/11/2020 Export event
  • LIFO - Practitioner Event
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2020 LIFO® Online Global Business Meeting | Jun 10-11

Details updated due to current pandemic situation

ONLINE Global Business Meeting

June 10-11, 2020

Time: 7AM PDT / 10AM EDT / 4PM CEST / 11PM JST


Exchanging ideas for sustaining & increasing business through the COVID-19 crisis


Time Day 1 (June 10) Day 2 (June 11)
*All Time in Japan Standard Time (JST)
**Meeting content/schedule subject to change depending on participants' expectation/request
23:00 - 23:30 Introduction - Announcement from BCon Day 1 discussion continued
23:30 - 00:00 Sharing successes, Q&A, and Discussion Tools & ideas for facing the COVID-19 impact
00:00 - 00:30 LIFO Quality Committee
00:30 - 01:00 Closing Future Strategy & Closing


Please submit your 2019 Achievement Review by PPT to BCon by May 22.
BCon will compile the presentations for Global Partners to review ahead of the meeting so we can dedicate our time as much as possible for discussion of ideas and solutions. Your 2019 Achievement Review will be based on your 2019 activities, and we would like you to share the following 4 points:

  1. What went well?
  2. What did not go well?
  3. What obstacles did you face?
  4. What are yours goals for 2020?

(See the example HERE for guidance but share your points in the manner most suited for your review).

Please include a sales reports for 2019 with your Review, including any sales analysis you may have to share (analysis could include 2019 but is not limited to it 2019 activities).

While time is limited for this year’s Global Business Meeting, we understand that Partners may have information and analysis beyond what might be included in the sales report and Achievement Review. If there is something that you would like to present at the Global Meeting please include it with your sales report and 2019 Achievement Review to be posted for review prior to the meeting.

※ While we do ask you to go into all necessary details, we also ask you to try to keep your presentations to around 10 slides so that all presentations can be reviewed by all partners ahead of the meeting.


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