How Leaders Can Handle Hybrid Workforce - Individual Practices
What is Hybrid Leadership?
Researchers and consulting firms worldwide have dubbed the hybrid workforce model the "future of work." This ongoing transition in operating has prompted concerns about today's leaders' skills, attitudes, and talents. Leaders need to change their leadership styles and develop their skill sets to match the demands of this new environment.
Before the pandemic, hybrid Leadership was defined as a management style that combined conventional male and female leadership styles to lead authentic, empowered, open, collaborative, strategic, visionary, and collaborative. It also emphasized the development of leaders' emotional intelligence in addition to their commercial acumen. Today, that definition has expanded to include a broader range of characteristics that assist managers in getting the most out of employees in remote, in-person, and hybrid teams. 1
So now the question is: How can leaders handle a Hybrid Workforce?

We could consider answering these questions in layers.
Individual Practices
There is no better time to harness the power of self-awareness than such times of uncertainty, for to charter unknown waters, we must find some solid ground. There is no better ground in such a case but ourselves.
What is your Leadership Style?
The LIFO Leadership approach and philosophy are based on discovering Your Leadership Style. There is no one "right" or "best" way to lead. Leaders are most effective when they tap into the unique mix of values, goals, and strengths that drive their best performance—and these are different for different people. Becoming the most effective leader you can be will take you on your unique journey, one that begins with understanding, appreciating, and capitalizing on the many leadership qualities you already possess.
Let us take a look at the various and different Leadership Style Orientations offered by LIFO:2
1. The Supporting Giving Leadership Style
The Supporting Giving Leadership style expects excellence and equity. This leadership style is idealistic and, if used excessively, can become a perfectionist.
Achieve success through collaborative Leadership
"If I work hard to achieve goals and lead people ethically, I will be rewarded. I appreciate and recognize people who are committed to significant goals and meet or exceed expectations."
2. Controlling Taking Leadership Style
The Controlling Taking leadership style promotes action. This leadership style is opportunistic and, if used excessively, can become coercive.
Achieve success through authoritative Leadership
"If I demonstrate initiative and act vigorously to get things done, I will succeed as a leader through my efforts. I believe in seizing opportunities and taking risks to master challenging situations."
3. Conserving Holding Leadership Style
The Conserving Holding Leadership Style applies reason. This leadership style is realistic and, if used excessively, can become pessimistic.
Achieve success through Strategic Leadership
"If I analyze the situation carefully and think through options, I can lead others to make steady progress towards achieving sensible goals. I think before I act to develop practical and systematic strategies."
4. Adapting Dealing Leadership Style
The Adapting Dealing leadership style seeks Harmony. This leadership style is optimistic and, if used excessively, can become permissive.
Achieve success through affiliative Leadership.
"If I adapt to new situations and gain acceptance, I can lead people to achieve exciting results. I believe in being sensitive to the needs of others and being diplomatic when dealing with organizational politics."
The LIFO Leadership Styles Survey provides you with your leadership style and emphasizes your leadership style under favorable and unfavorable conditions. Favorable conditions are when things are going well, and typically, unfavorable conditions are during conflict and stressful times.
In addition, LIFO Leadership Styles Survey looks at your Leadership style from the viewpoint of some vital and essential Leadership Functions, which are:
- Instilling mission and purpose
- Driving action
- Making decisions
- Solving problems
- Delegating tasks
- Giving feedback
- Communicating Information
Your LIFO Leadership Style Survey also identifies your productive strengths. However, each strength has a corresponding excess (an overused strength). Excesses are unproductive. Therefore, to effectively lead, you will need to:

The next 2 articles will talk how to handle Hybrid Workforce from team, and strategic perspective.
2LIFO Leadership Styles Essential Report
For more about this topic, download our latest book "Leadership: A Mix and Match in a Hybrid Workplace" for FREE: