Dads: Inspiring a Shared Vision
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Dads: Inspiring a Shared Vision

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Dads: Inspiring a Shared Vision

In the workplace, having a shared vision; a unified dream of growth and excelling, works wonders in fueling the dreams to be real through effort and work.

Believing in the dream(s) and envision what it/they could be. Such vision placed in front of one’s eyes ignite abilities to make extraordinary things happen. Every organization or social movement begins with a dream. It is always vision, then, mission.

To get this going, a leader must accentuate that they understand the needs of the people around and have their best interest at heart. Leaders inspire others to see the possibilities that the future holds.

The same concept applies for a family, when fathers communicate through the same wave length of their children, children tune in and understand why they have to commit to studying, or even the sports practices. It is because they see an example of their father; it is because the father stimulates a vision for how the future could be.

A father, a manager; titles can be granted, but it is the way that you choose to behave that earns you respect and value. Exemplary fathers/leaders know that if they want to gain commitment and achieve the highest standards, they must model the behavior they expect of their children/coworkers.

For this to happen on the family level, a dialogue must be open; they must be clear about guiding principles, and rather clarify values. Communication is a key practice for this to sync and reflect in the behavior of the children. You rather cultivate a sense of direction.

Looking at this from a work perspective, when your peers/subordinates see you do rather than giving eloquent speeches, they rather believe, respect and look up to you. Leaders’ deeds are far more important than verbal instructions/directions. From a LIFO® Styles Survey standpoint: you get to further understand your styles, hence behavior and actions would have a positive impact on others as long as they are in a state of congruence.


For more about this topic, download our latest book "A Shout Out to Working Dads!" for FREE:

E-Book: A Shout Out to Working Dads!

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