Considering Work-Life Balance
You wake up early in the morning, it’s time to jump out of bed, hit the shower, grab your coffee, and off to work. As you picture the day, your heart sinks, you feel there’s a pit in your stomach. You look around, there’s a pile of clothes on the chair, a stack of books in the corner, and an event invitation at the side of your desk. The pit in your stomach turns into heaviness on your chest as if it’s carrying the entire world.
You need a life makeover.
Or, as we call it; a Life-Simplification act.
This colorful figure is as colorful as our life:

Our wheel carries us around life as we rest on those six dimensions for work-life balance. As we simplify our life we need to check each dimension and ask ourselves: Am I setting unrealistic goals for one or more of these dimensions? Are there goals that are no longer important to pursue? Am I enjoying the six dimensions? Which dimension is causing me more pressure and why?
As you look around and examine the goals of each dimension, you might reach very important realizations about yourself. Unrealistic goals might be requiring three hours daily at the gym while you have a full-time job, a family, and some courses that you are trying to take to catch up with your career.
Other goals in some dimensions might require shifting, like for example, squeezing yourself for that course in two months while you can take it in four and move around life feeling lighter and able to cater to your other dimensions.
Simplifying your life is about getting rid of aspects that are stressing you out and committing you while those can be changed or abandoned so that you can focus on what you truly need, by then you enjoy more time and energy. LIFO’s WLB® "Work-Life-Balance-Styles" survey analyzes the individual balance based on Life Orientations (The LIFO method is a practical application of behavioral science that provides strategies for promoting individual and group productivity).
The Work-Life Balance is thus a useful tool provided you ask yourself the above questions.
For more about this topic, download our latest book "Simplify Your Life" for FREE: