10 Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life
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10 Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life

Sunday, August 15, 2021
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

10 Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life

On "Simplifying Your Life" week, it is a good chance to explore some tips that will help us regain our enthusiasm towards life, and claim back our passion and energy.

10 Tips to Help you Simplify your Life

Get rid of all those possessions that you do not need. Whether clothes, empty jars, books, or just stuff. Anything that you do not need takes space, eventually, your place is cluttered which affects both your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that clutter raises cortisol levels leading to stress and anxiety.

2.Know Your Values
Understand your values, this can be done through various exercises. Once you know, you can start clarifying your priorities. Go through your commitments and try to minimize or eliminate anything that does not align with those values and priorities.

3.Disregard Negative Thoughts
Negative thoughts highly impact the way we talk, and so the way we behave. The more negative thoughts we have the more we cripple ourselves. Thoughts such as “ I am not good enough” “I can’t do it” “ I will fail” drain us as we move around life with luggage of despair and frustration. While what we truly need is power and hope to help us get through our challenges.

4.Eliminate Your Debts
Monitor your finances well. Are you spend thrifting? Are you putting in money somewhere that does not match your values and priorities? Are you in debt due to excessive use of your credit cards? It is time to put up a plan to cut down on all the finances that are not going to the right place, paying your debts, and doing some savings as well. “When money realizes that it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands.”― Idowu Koyenikan.

5.Avoid Artificial Ingredients
Perform pantry analysis! Anything that has trans fats, corn syrup, high sugar, palm oil, refined grains such as white bread, needs to go out. Getting these items off your daily meals will help your body restore itself and regain energy and you will develop psychological wellbeing. This is a step that will make a big difference in your long-term health.

6.Learn The Power of “No”
Every “Yes” you say when you do not want is a “No” to yourself, your focus, and your priorities. Learning to say No will help you save your energy to what matters most to you.

7.Reduce Screen Time
Since we live in the digital era, our eyes are glued to phone screens most of the time as we skim through social apps, messaging, texting, watching movies, and much more. Reducing screen time would not only save our eyes from dryness but also gives us more time to develop social relationships, exercise, read and, more of what truly matters to us.

8.Lessen Multitasking
Research indicates that multi-tasking increases stress and lowers productivity1. Learn to do one task at a time. Once you check done, move on to the next task. This would as well help you focus on the quality of what you produce.

9.Plan Ahead
Plan your day the night before. This helps you focus more on the priorities of your day, and become more prepared instead of planning on the go as daily events unfold.

As you rush around through life, take a deep breath and allow yourself to relax and take your breath. Deliberately slow down. There will always be room and time for the most important things to get done and those are your main priorities2.

1 Kendra Cherry Mar 2020, How multitasking affects Productivity and Brain health, Accessed 20 June 2021, https://www.verywellmind.com/multitasking-2795003
2 Joshua Becker, The 10 Most Important Things to Simplify in Your Life, Accessed 30 May 2021, JOSHUA BECKER, The 10 most important things to simplify in your life, Becoming minimalist, Accessed 20 June 2021, https://www.becomingminimalist.com/the-10-most-important-things-to-simplify-in-your-life/


For more about this topic, download our latest book "Simplify Your Life" for FREE:

E-Book: Simplify Your Life

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