LIFO (Life Orientations) - Discover & Build on Your Strengths
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Most people aren’t utilizing their strengths properly.
Are You?

Start utilizing your strengths

The LIFO method is a practical application of behavioral science that provides strategies for promoting individual and group productivity.
It helps discover our strengths, based on your behavioral preference of how to think, how to get things done and how to deliver information.
It does not label people or put them in a box.

Supporting Giving sg
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Support Giving (SG)

Philosophy: "I Value Excellence"

Approach: Fair

Goal: Be helpful

Pronoun: We

Need: To be valued

Adapting Dealing ad
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Adapting Dealing (AD)

Philosophy: "I Value Harmony"

Approach: Fun

Goal: Get along

Pronoun: You

Need: To be accepted

Conserving Holding ch
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Conserving Holding (CH)

Philosophy: "I Value Reason"

Approach: Fact

Goal: Be sure

Pronoun: It

Need: To be informed

Controlling Taking ct
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Controlling Taking (CT)

Philosophy: "I Value Action"

Approach: Fast

Goal: Get results

Pronoun: I

Need: To be empowered


LIFO Orientations Essential Survey

Learn strategies for increasing efficiency and influencing others by:

  • Identifying strengths and personal styles
  • Understanding behavioral style in favorable and unfavorable conditions
  • Recognizing the differences between intended, actual and perceived behavior, as well as the impact on others

Selling Styles Essential Survey

Discover strategies to help develop greater sales performance by:

  • Identifying strength and particular sales styles
  • Recognizing others’communication styles so as to communicate more effectively
  • Matching approaches to clients’ most preferred ways of communicating

Parenting Style Survey

Enhance your parenting skills and foster positive family dynamics by:

  • Identifying your preferred parenting style in various aspects of child-rearing
  • Recognizing the unique parenting styles of other family members to build stronger connections
  • Becoming aware of the overall parenting styles within your family and optimizing their collective impact

Leadership Style Essential Survey

Gain strategies to help develop greater effectiveness as a leader by:

  • Identifying unique leadership styles
  • Learning to be more versatile in approaching people and problems
  • Collaborating better with others who have different communication styles
  • Customer Styles Survey
  • Coaching Style Survey
  • Learning Styles Survey
  • Teaching Style Survey
  • Parenting Style Survey
  • Partner Styles Survey
  • Origins Survey
  • Organizational Culture Survey

How many have benefited from LIFO?

More Than 9,000,0009000000 People

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From Over 20,00020000Organizations

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What makes LIFO different?

Strengths Based

The LIFO method focuses on strengths, on what is right about leaders, teams and individuals. This approach is not about changing oneself. Rather it promotes positive behavioral change by providing strategies for managing strengths effectively, resulting in greater versatility and productivity. This approach also encourages appreciating and working with others whose strengths are different. Accepting people for who they are also reduces friction and allows teams to make the most of everyone’s strengths.

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Not a Typecast

The LIFO method identifies behavioral style preferences, not personality types. It is “what we do”, as opposed not “who we are”. All styles have the ability to do everything, it is just a question of approach. Understanding one’s preferred style and strengths opens doors to exploring and rethinking how to approach different situations, assigned tasks, desired goals, etc. To reiterate, everyone has all the strengths, it is how one uses these strengths, their preference, that makes them different from another. How much a person uses each strength, the specific ratio and combination of strengths, is what makes each person unique.

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Multifaceted Application

The LIFO Method can be/and has been used in training, coaching, consulting, organizational development as well as one’s personal life.

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Simple and Deep

The LIFO Method does not assume that people behave the same when in favorable and unfavorable conditions. In fact, half or more of those who complete the LIFO Survey have very a different mix of preferred behavioral styles when seen through the lenses of favorable and unfavorable conditions. The LIFO method identifies behavioral style in both favorable and unfavorable conditions, giving insight and awareness to assist in managing strengths in different situations.

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Get Started Now!

Be More Productive, Be More Influential


"Improving Efficiency and Absenteeism"

Client: Mattel®


The plastic toy manufacturing company experiencing rapid sales growth, and management operated in an informal, personal, hands-on manner. This management style was successful until the company expanded from a one plant operation to a two plant operation. Lacking systems which permitted logical, formal interaction between the two operations – which was directly impacting the company’s productivity level –management soon realized the need to intervene and identify solutions to their problems.


Program Outline

  • Step 0: Isolate critical problems and identify behaviors necessary for success between the two plants, and design a structured training program.
  • Step 1: Key members of the management group participated in the training, in which they diagnosed problems and identified possible solutions using the LlFO method in order to apply specific strategies and action plans where productivity improvement was desirable.
  • Step 2: Implementation of the strategies and action plans.


  • Manufacturing efficiency increased from 65% of standard to 95% of standard.
  • Absenteeism decreased from 30 people out of 150 being absent on a daily basis, to 5 out of 150.
  • A formal planning system had been designed for production planning now the packaging division knew what they would be packing out for the next six months rather than day to day.
  • Employees could handle more work with less people, and get many other improvements.

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